Гидравлические Прессы Технолмаш
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические гаражные прессы серии У
Гаражный пресс У1671-20 гидравлический предназначен для выполнения работ по запрессовке, выпрессовке, правке и гибки. Материал -термически необработанная сталь и другие материалы. Гаражный пресс гидравлический изготавливается в двух исполнениях: с ручным гидравлическим приводом и электрогидравлическим приводом. Пресс может применяться во всех отраслях..
Гидравлические рамные прессы серии УП
Пресса серии УП16 применяются в основном для операций выпрессовки и запрессовки изделий где соединение деталей обеспечивается за счет предварительного натяга.
Гидравлические рамные прессы серии ПТ
Гаражный пресс У1671-20 гидравлический предназначен для выполнения работ по запрессовке, выпрессовке, правке и гибки. Материал -термически необработанная сталь и другие материалы. Гаражный пресс гидравлический изготавливается в двух исполнениях: с ручным гидравлическим приводом и электрогидравлическим приводом. Пресс может применяться во всех отраслях..
Гидравлические ножницы рамного типа с наклонным ножом серии НР
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические листогибочные прессы серии ИБ
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические гильотинные ножницы наклонного типа серии НВ
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические вертикальные пакетировочные прессы серии БА(для мусора)
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические горизонтальные пакетировочные прессы серии БК(для мусора)
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические горизонтальные брикетировочные прессы серии Б
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические горизонтальные пакетировочные прессы для вторсырья серии БВ
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические металлоломные пакетировочные прессы серии БГ
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.
Гидравлические мебельные прессы
A block press is the ideal choice for cold pressing workpieces. Complete press stacks are fed at once into the press (for instance using a forklift or feeding system), then pressed in a block. The principle of the press is based on a hydraulic press with an upper piston, in which the components are bonded or pressed under pressure and without heating. Joos manufactures robust block presses in accordance with customer specifications.